The Scale is the Devil!!

scalesI know its plenty of people out there that agree with me when I say the scale is the devil.. well maybe it plays devil’s advocate at times. Why do we tempt ourselves by putting it in our view thru the week? Well I thought if I had it in my view it would remind me to stay on track and remember weigh-ins, hahahahahaha whatever…lol

Lifestyle Changes

lifestyle change

As Nurses, or anyone in the medical profession, you want to lead by example, at least that’s what I want to do. Being overweight, smoking, or taking part in anything that is reckless to my health is bad for me as well as the patients I care for. This is what I always think to myself as a part of my mantra to getting healthy. I do not smoke, but my weight is not where I want it to be and my eating habits are not great either. Putting change off will only lead to a bad outcome so I will not call this a diet, but a lifestyle change. This change will include these things:

Healthy Water (Infused)

Have you been drinking your water? You know its needed right? I have a hard time getting all my water in on a daily basis as well. Sometimes it’s boring drinking plain water, and I have even heard people say the do not like water. In these instances I always suggest using the flavored packs from like Crystal Light, or buying the flavored waters. But, now people are infusing their water on their own with fresh fruit and sometimes veggies. This makes your healthy water even better.  And there are several great recipes to do this. Some of the waters are:

No More Nursing Home Jobs!!

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 No More Nursing Home Jobs! Working in a nursing home environment again is no fun. In my search for part-time work, I found a Nursing Home/Rehab facility near my home to do some work at. I had always said I wouldn’t go back into being a Charge Nurse in this type of environment, but I figured maybe somethings had changed.  Well, I was wrong about that ish! Same ole same with the med carts being in disarray, CNA’s short on the floor, call lights being ignored, and the Charge Nurse, a respected one anyway, is responsible to make sure all these things are corrected and efficient during their shift. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a challenge but this on a daily basis is like you playing Russian roulette with your Nursing License. I do not have time for that, and will not endanger my lively hood or my patients lives. So here is what happened.

The Day They left Me

This is my first Grand Baby Jessiah.


Yesterday was both relieving and bittersweet for me. My daughters moved back to Tulsa and so the grand babies  are gone as well. The reason for my relief, I no longer have to yell at the girls, whom wants to be considered grown, for continuing to act like children. And everyone should know that this scenario does not work out well, especially when those acting like kids have kids.  Given these factors, along with others, the girls had to venture out once again to become true grown ups and great Moms in the comfort of their own homes.

Aiden was away for his last visit with the Neurologist for his Spina Bifida, while Jessiah was at home with his mom, my husband and me helping his mom finish her packing. Well at least he thought he was helping. I had a chance to love on Jessiah all the way up until it was time for them to depart, and I guess the hugs and kisses that I planted on Aiden in the days prior to them leaving would have to suffice until I see him again.